Yazarın Tüm Yazıları
From Agency to Publishing: Twenty Years of Nermin Mollaoğlu (Part-1)
Nermin Mollaoğlu’s place in our publishing world is indisputable. We recently had an interview which…
About the World of Words with Yves Champollion
It would be a great injustice to describe Yves Champollion only as “the great-grandson of…
About Literature, Art, and Friendship with the Catalan Author/Editor Emili Rosales
The author of the book The Invisible City… The editor of the world-famous Planeta Publishing…
About Life and Literature with Antonio Muñoz Molina
Hi, Mr Muñoz Molina. It’s so nice to see you again after the Frankfurt Book…
On Editing in Germany with Hans Jürgen Balmes
S. Fischer is Frankfurt based. As I live nearby, my train to the office cuts…